“transforming students into innovators...authentic learning experiences that simulate what goes in the real world”
This project is intended to challenge students to create a start-up business where they find problems, refine these, ideate over solutions, design a prototype and test that prototype. AI tools could be used a variety of ways throughout the process. My idea focuses on using technology such as chatbots and image generators for the problem finding, ideation and design of prototype. This can be supplemented with use of bespoke tools to create visual marketing materials, brand/company names and logos.
The overall aim of this project is to engage students in rapid prototyping, entrepreneurial methodologies but using enhanced with AI. It also intends to:
• Improve the quality and speed of the development of rapid prototypes and accompanying marketing materials in the start up process. This is aimed at enhancing engagement from students
• Improve the understanding of skills needed in marketing, language used and how AI can be used to assist in many of these purposes. A greater understanding of the diversity of AI tools available and how they can be used for specific tasks in a process.
• An understanding how use of AI technology assists rapid prototyping, making access and involvements in start up easier.
In assigned teams, students need to submit a project consisting of the following components:
Problem Finding: Evidence of -
Research to find problems worth solving (internet, chatbot prompts)
Empathy (understanding the problem fully through the eyes of the user/person experiencing the problem
Define the problem
Ideation on solutions: Evidence of -
Ideas on how to solve the problem (drawings, prompts, etc)
A demonstration of divergent thinking
Convergent thinking to an agreed solution
Prototype: Evidence of -
Building a prototype (physical model, wireframe, digital model, etc)
Marketing a prototype (Gamma presentation, Pika video, AI images)
Testing: Evidence of testing the solution
Possible adaptions & variations
This project could be modified as you see fit to include any methods, tools, either using AI or non-AI tools to enrich the design thinking methodology. It could also be easily used with any age group either as a sprint (eg in a collapsed timetable situation) or over multiple lessons.