Help for Education

The power of AI, its accessibility, countless tools being developed and the fact that it continues to reach all corners of our lives, means those in education need to act now. This technology not only puts pressure directly on teaching and learning but also education systems. Regardless of the education sector you are in, I can help you to see the possibilities to integrate AI into your institution. I provide honest, practical advice. Whether you are looking for ongoing support or just an introduction to what is possible, get in touch.

Ways I can help you:

  • Presentations


    Technology can be difficult to understand and to integrate. I deliver presentations that are bespoke, rich and well-researched with energy and passion. Example: Slides from a keynote

  • Workshops & Training

    Workshops & Training

    I provide face-to-face and online workshops & training for people with all levels of confidence and skill with technology. Take a look at this short sample.

  • Policy & Strategy

    Policy & Strategy

    I can assist you in policy writing and strategic planning for use and implementation of technology. Example: Strategic thinking

  • Help & Resources

    Help & Resources

    Whether you just need help and advice or you are looking for resources to work with, I can help. Example: Resource

  • Courses


    With a Masters in elearning, experience working in Higher Education as an online designer, I have extensive skills and knowledge to draw on. Example course: AI, Chatbots & ChatGPT for Teachers

  • Writing & Commentary

    Writing & Commentary

    I am avid and active commentator on technology, education and the developments in contemporary technologies such as AI and immersive technologies. Example: Magazine article