Education in an AI Ecosystem
A vision for how education can improve with AI assistance for young people.
Take the L plates off
There is a strong argument that many aspects of assessment in education follow principles similar to those of learning to drive. This causes major issues for students, schools and the advancement of education.
AI Mic Drop
Regardless of whether you hold certain views, ie you think that there are far more negatives with Generative AI than there are positives, that we are going to lose more than we're going to gain, that students are going to lose key knowledge, key skills, not be able to think for themselves, not be able to produce writing or other forms of output without digital assistance (which is quite bizarre because they've been doing that for a long time) – there is somehow a way of stopping the world.
I am bewildered by the idea that we can ‘put this back in the box’ and ‘just stop this right now’ or we can reverse things. I know that suggestion is, quite frankly, ridiculous.
What we have is a situation that's changed. What we have is a world that's changed dramatically.
You cannot be serious
The use of AI in the Australian Tennis Open 2024 and what that makes me think about AI in Education
GAI: Software Redefined
I think it maybe time to recognise that the old ways of marketing, of development and in some ways, use, of software is very different for Generative AI. This suggests the need to rethink professional learning, training and deployment for GAI.
AI and the teacher replacement issue
I have thought for a long time that a great deal of what a teacher does, can be automated, and in the AC (afterchatGPT) era, be replaced by AI. And that's only looking at it with the current lens of what AI can do or what AI promises to do in the near future. When we try and look more longer term, there are, perhaps, more questions to ask as regards what can be replaced and what can't or shouldn’t be replaced.
To read or not read - that is an AI question
A real-life account of a student's use of #aiineducation that shines a huge spotlight on the deep and complex discussions #education at all levels needs to have.
Dynamic Differentiation has already begun
#ai provides us with a different approach to differentiation. A response to the recent post from Darren Coxon 🚀 #aieducation #aiineducation
A Balancing Act in the Age of AI: The Discomfort of the Grey Area of Authenticity
I admit that I have a certain degree of unease and uncertainty in working with AI. A personal insight into working with AI and how it reflects much of what I see around me.
The Crucial Triad in the Era of AI Disruption: Identity, Authenticity and Sharing
In my last article, I referred to an AI-driven labyrinth and the navigation of this maze of disruption continues to cause all manner of problems for educators. This article focuses on the significant roles of Identity, Authenticity and Sharing in how we participate and contribute.
The AI-Driven Labyrinth of Human-Centred Design in Education
This article is in response to this by University of Melbourne: focusing on the report - Keeping it Human: Learning Design in the Digital World: Considering that work in the context of the #afterchatgpt era, there is a labyrinth of issues to navigate that #ai has brought to the surface. #aieducation #aiineducation
Unboxing the AI Revolution in High School Education: A 'Sets of Russian Dolls' Analogy
Using the Russian dolls analogy, this piece highlights some of the questions that #ai is bringing to the forefront in the context of the way high #schools typically operate, the experiences offered to #students by #teachers and the systems in place.
AI and the need for Fusion
Despite the many facets and uses for #ai, and how fascinating it is in itself, the largest impact surely comes from how we fuse the #technology with what we want/need to keep in #education going forward. #aieducation #aiineducation
The Symbiosis of AI and PBL
An honest account of #pbl in my practice, assessment and why #ai offers a fix for criticisms of the PBL methodology.
AI & School Response
Looking at schools' responses to #ai. Some key points that represent what should be/is happening, #aieducation #schools