Free Resources

  • BIG Student Voice on AI

    The BIG Student Voice on AI

    Click here to get access to responses from students across the globe to The BIG Student Voice On AI survey. This ran between April and September 2023.

  • AI in Education predictions

    AI in Education predictions

    Click here to access my predictions for areas of development in AI in Education in the next few years.

  • SAMR AI Model

    The SAMR AI Model

    Click here to get access to a redefinition of the SAMR model for integrating technology with AI tools. There are many ideas and examples shared in this resource.

  • Responsible and Safe Use of AI

    Responsible and Safe Use of AI

    Click here to download a ready-to-use presentation on how to use AI safely and responsibly

  • Explore Board

    AI Explore Board

    Click here to download a great free resource to introduce and immerse students in AI related topics, innovations and areas to consider around the.

  • Sitting Beside Young Learners using AI

    Click here for the full process for learning from and with young people about how to use Generative AI chatbots to assist and augment learning and assessment.