AI & the need for entrepreneurial teachers

Without wishing to offend anyone with a religious persuasion, I think it is now time to start to talking about BC and AC, ie - Before ChatGPT and After ChatGPT.

With that in mind, in the BC era there were already calls around the world for teachers to be more entrepreneurial, eg OECD. But now, more than ever, in the AC era, we need teachers to adopt a mindset and have an approach that is focused on innovation, creativity, and problem-solving. The AC era demands that we as educators use our skills, expertise, and passion to create new opportunities for students, drive change and improvement in education and develop a system that is fit for purpose.

Entrepreneurial teachers are often self-starters who are willing to take risks, experiment with new ideas, and adapt quickly to changing circumstances. They are innovative and resourceful, using technology and other tools to enhance the learning experience for their students and to make their teaching more effective and efficient. Isn't that exactly what is need now we are AC?

According to ChatGPT,

some of the key traits of entrepreneurial teachers include:

Creativity: They are able to think outside the box and come up with new and innovative ideas for teaching and learning.

Passion: They are deeply committed to their students and their profession, and are driven by a desire to make a difference in the lives of those they teach.

Flexibility: They are able to adapt quickly to changing circumstances and are willing to take risks and try new things.

Collaboration: They work closely with colleagues and other stakeholders to create a shared vision for education and to bring their ideas to life.

Entrepreneurial mindset: They have an entrepreneurial mindset that is focused on innovation, creativity, and problem-solving.

Need I say more?

Being an entrepreneurial teacher means having a growth mindset and a willingness to take risks and innovate in order to make a positive impact. In the AC era, these are core tenants of the new now.

Thanks to the enjoyable online meetups with Niklas Vernersson and John DiMaria for stirring up these thoughts.


An AI world without being 'experienced'


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